2023.03.03(W5) 12:30-13:30 Fluid Biomarker and Neuroimaging Profile of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Southeast Asians-​​Prof. Nagaendran Kandiah

Topic Fluid Biomarker and Neuroimaging Profile of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Southeast Asians.

Speaker Assoc. Prof. Nagaendran Kandiah

Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Mental Health

Director, Dementia Research Centre, LKC School of Medicine, Singapore

Co-Director, Neuroscience and Mental Health Programme, LKC School of Medicine

Clinician Scientist, National Medical Research Council, Singapore

Senior Consultant Neurologist, NUH & KTPH, Singapore

Date Mar 03, 2023, 12:30~13:30

Webex meeting room https://taipeimedicaluniversityshuanghohospitalministryofhealth.my.webex.com/meet/pr1585279471

Meeting Room Number 1585 27 9471

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